Have your say – a combined authority for Dorset?

Alongside talk of unitary and devolution, you may have heard the phrase ‘combined authority’ coming up a lot recently. But what does it actually mean and how would you be affected?

The nine councils across Dorset have been working together on proposals for a combined authority. A combined authority would see them working as one democratically-accountable body around the areas of economic development, regeneration and transport. We’ve now got to the point where we want to hear from local people and businesses about those proposals. The consultation is open now and runs until 17 June 2016.

Why is a combined authority a good idea for Dorset?

  • As we are already aware councils need to transform the way they work in order to be fit for the future – this is the first step in that direction
  • A combined authority would provide Dorset with the certainty of structure and accountability to be successful in any devolution deal with Government
  • A combined authority would give Dorset one strong voice when bidding for funding or inward investment
  • A combined authority would provide speedier decision-making on issues related to strategic economic growth and strategic transport for the area

Six combined authorities have already been established nationally with many other areas also working towards this arrangement. This is an exciting opportunity for Dorset to be part of national change.

Please take a look at our combined authority pages at www.dorset-combined-authority.uk and use the short online form to tell us what you think about the proposals. It’s a chance for each of us to have a say about an important change to the local government landscape in Dorset.

Once the consultation has closed results will be collected, shared with the Secretary of State and then go onto inform Government’s decision on establishing a combined authority in Dorset.

Please note this consultation is about Dorset’s proposal for a combined authority and is not about unitary options. If you have any questions, please contact Steph Lyons at S.Lyons@dorsetcc.gov.uk or on 01305 224271.

Amber Dog Day Care

ADDC - Stur 15m radAmber Dog Day Care is pleased to announce a free collection service of a 15-mile radius around Sturminster Newton.

We offer human and canine interaction while you are at work or out for the day.

This involves lots of playing, walks across fields and in the woods.

The more days the dog comes, the cheaper the day rate.
We also offer a discount for multiple dogs.

Call on 07496 033 069 for a fuller description of our offering.
Email us at agility1@hotmail.co.uk.

  • Amber Dog Day Care staff are police checked (DBS).
  • Amber Dog Day Care  is insured.
  • Dog first aid course trained.

Amber Dog Day Care

Blandford Stour Rotary – Barn Dance

Blandford Stour Rotary proudly presents their:

Barn Dance

Everyone welcome into Durweston Village Hall on  Saturday 14th May 2016 – 7.00 for 7.30pm

£10 to include ploughman’s supper, Bar available, Raffle, fun and dancing!

Tickets available from:

  • Horrocks & Webb Jewellers – Salisbury Street, Blandford
  • Rag Tags, Children’s Outfitters – Barnack Walk, Blandford
  • Ros Nelmes – 01258 860793

Download for: 160217- Blandford Stour Rotary Poster – PDF (A4 – Landscape)

Dorset County Council – Mobile Library Service Consultation 2016

Please follow the link below to see information on a consultation on proposed changes by Dorset County Council to the mobile library service –

Letter re consultation on proposed changes to mobile library services 2016

Please take the time to complete the survey so that we can understand the impact that the proposals may have.  You can give your views online at www.dorsetforyou.com/mobile-library-consultation or return this form via the mobile library or any static library.

The consultation is open from 4 April to14 May 2016.