Stourpaine Parish Council – May 2014 Meeting


Download: Minutes of Meeting 140515 May 2014

The meeting took place after the Annual Parish Meeting and Annual Meeting

Present: Cllr Scott Norman  – Chair, Councillors, David Williams, Mark Farwell, Keith Yarwood, Louise Webb and Peter Partridge

In attendance:

Cllr S Jespersen – NDDC, P Clark – Parish Clerk and

two members of the public




Public questions:

During this time the following matter/s were brought to the attention of the Parish Council by members of the public –Current issues with regard to the pressures on the A350 Shaston Road following the closure of the C13 at Melbury Abbas were discussed as part of the Annual Parish Meeting with a presentation by Roland Skeats – Dorset County Council Highways and representations from and discussions with residents.

Apologies for Absence


14/05/02   Declarations of Interest and Grant of DispensationsNone
14/05/03     Approval of the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the 24th April 2014

Having been distributed beforehand to Councillors the minutes of the meeting held on the 24th April 2014 were accepted by all present to be a true and accurate record of proceedings and signed by Cllr Norman as Chair.

14/05/04   Matters arisingNone

Planning Matters as listed on the schedule



Renewal of Parish Council Insurance for 2014/15

The Parish Clerk presented details of a quotation for the renewal of the Parish Council insurance for 2014/15 received from the appointed Broker – Came & Company.

Details of the proposed levels of cover had been previously circulated to Councillors. No change in the levels of cover were identified with the quotation for a sum of £963.32.

After due consideration it was agreed by all Councillors present to approve the quotation as presented.

ACTION – Parish Clerk to renew the Parish Council Insurance for 2014/15

14/05/07 Reports  All reports received were presented as part of the Annual Parish Meeting

In addition the Parish Clerk reported that further information was being sought from Dorset County Council with regard to the removal of the unauthorised travellers’ encampment at the old Dorset County Council Chipping Store in Bushes Road.

It was further reported that a resident of the village had moved two horses on to a currently unused paddock at Stourpaine Allotments. It was noted that the individual had enquired about the possibility of leasing the land, however no formal agreement had been given by the Parish Council as trustees of the land. The matter had been discussed at a previous Parish Council meeting where it was agreed by Councillors present that first refusal should be given to a previous leaseholder whose tenancy was ended as the Allotment Association wished to return the land for use as allotments which to date has not taken place.

ACTION – Parish Clerk to investigate further

14/05/08   Reports on Play Areasa. Kidzone, Playing Field, Havelins

The Parish Clerk reported that Health & Safety inspections of the site continued to be carried out on a weekly basis. However Cllr Partridge would be taking over responsibility for weekly checks with immediate effect.

The Parish Clerk reported that contact had been made with contractors to provide quotations to lift and re-lay the play mats as recommended as part of the last annual inspection.

b. Grace Upward Under 12s, Bottom Road

Cllr Partridge reported no issues, however it was noted that a replacement picnic-table is still required for the site.

ACTION – Parish Clerk to source a replacement subject to approval by Councillors.

14/05/09 Financea. Payments to be made as per schedule – for decision

It was agreed by Councillors that all payments, bill and invoices listed on the schedule be paid. The payments were then authorised by Cllrs Norman and Yarwood.

14/05/10  Correspondence The Clerk brought to the attention of Councillors item of correspondence received that had not previously been circulated.
14/05/11   Matters for consideration at the Parish Council meeting to be held on the 19th June 2014 at 7.00pm in the Village HallThe Parish Clerk reported that an Annual General Meeting of the Stourpaine Allotments is to be proposed to coincide with the Parish Council meeting on the 17th July 2014.

Cllr Norman reported that Dorset Police should be urged to attend a future Parish Council meeting to discuss crime prevention and highways issues.

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 9.45pm


Councillor A Norman – Chairman Stourpaine Parish Council
