Title: Carol Service
Location: Holy Trinity Church
Start Time: 18:00
Date: 16 December 2012
Author: stourpaine.info
Crib Service – Christmas Eve
Title: Crib Service
Location: Holy Trinity Church
Start Time: 16:00
Date: 24 December 2012
Midnight Mass – Christmas Eve
Title: Midnight Mass
Location: Holy Trinity Church
Start Time: 23:30
Date: 24 December 2012
Holy Communion – Christmas Day
Title: Holy Communion
Location: Holy Trinity Church
Start Time: 11:00
Date: 25 December 2012
Stourpaine Village Carol Singing
Title: Stourpaine Village Carol Singing
Location: The White Horse
Link out: Click here
Description: We will be meeting at The White Horse pub at 6pm on Wednesday 19th December to sing carols around the village. Everyone who would like to join in is extremely welcome – but please remember to wear warm clothes and carry a torch. Carol sheets will be provided.
If anyone would like to be visited by the choristers, please contact Gyda Warren (01258 450649) so that a programme can be arranged. We look forward to seeing you on the 20th.
Start Time: 18:00
Date: 19 December 2012
Advent Candlelit Service
Title: Advent Service
Location: Holy Trinity Church
Start Time: 18:00
Date: 02 December 2012
Gardening Club
Title: Gardening Club
Location: Village Hall
Description: Willow Crafting, talk and demo. By Kim Creswell
Date: 11 January 2013
stourpaine.info | Holy Trinity Parish Church
We have added the 1990 pamphlet of the church to the website: stourpaine.info | Holy Trinity Parish Church – Pamphlet
stourpaine.info | Stourpaine Environment
We have added a detailed map of Hod Hill Roman fortifications: stourpaine.info | Stourpaine Environment.
North Dorset Community Accessible Transport (NORDCAT)
NORDCAT is a charitable organisation which provides a door-to-door minibus service in the north Dorset area primarily for the elderly, disabled and socially excluded.
For more information on any of the NORDCAT services please contact:
- NORDCAT Community Transport Manager
Name: Helen Reed
T: 01258 472 164
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