Stourpaine 2013 Village Fête Sunday, 30th June 2013 Noon until 4 p.m.
We are looking for anything for the various stalls that we can sell or give as prizes such as books, unwanted gifts or household items you no longer have a use for, bottles of wine, cakes, plants, preserves etc, etc….
If you can help, please contact the following directly according to the items that you are happy to donate:
480 982
Bric a brac
Sue Hughes
488 855
Cakes, bakes and local produce
458 557
453 470
450 649
456 002
480 568
For all other enquiries about donations, please ring Jacky Fairweather on 480 982
This is advance notice that next year The Gardening Club will be organising a Stourpaine Open Gardens event to be held on the 14th and 15th June (Saturday and Sunday) 2014. Please put these dates in your diary – more information will follow nearer the time.
Stourpaine 2013 Village Fête Sunday, 30th June 2013 Noon until 4 p.m.
It may seem early days to let readers know that the Stourpaine Village Fête will be held in the village at the end of June this year. Hopefully the awful weather we have been having will be a distant memory and that visitors to the fête will be able to enjoy a great summer’s afternoon of entertainment. Apart from the more traditional stalls offering books, bric a brac, cakes, bakes and local produce for sale, a number of events are being organised for all to enjoy. Mr Mark Farwellwill be bringing his two magnificent steam engines to the fête – a miniature version of the Great Dorset Steam Fair.
Also plans are in hand to welcome back toStourpaine, the Shooting Stars Theatre Company who staged their own version of Shakespeare’s “Much Ado About Nothing” last year at the White Horse pub. This year they plan to stage their stage version of “The Wind in the Willows” at the fête. Other forms of entertainment will include a ferret racing, an impromptu dog show, a collection of vintage cars, tug of war and lots of entertainment for children.
With the Trailwaynow open between Blandford and Sturminster Newton, people will be able to stop for refreshments at the Stourpaine Village Fête.
Please put a note in your diary to come to the summer fête and help us make this fête a great success!
Durweston Bridge is located north-west of Blandford Forum in the Village of Durweston. It is a three-span masonry arch bridge carrying the A357 over the River Stour at the junction with the A350.
The bridge comprises of three round headed arches with triangular cutwaters. Elevations are ashlar with stone copings on top of the parapets. The bridge is restricted to alternate one-way traffic and controlled with signals.
The bridge was built 1795. It was designed by Joseph Towsey for H. W. Portman of
Bryanston and built so that roads crossing the parkland around Bryanston could be closed and the traffic diverted around the park boundary. The stone used is said to have been recycled from the demolition from 1775 to 1782 of Eastbury House. a huge grand design by Sir John Vanbrugh built from 1713 to 1738 for George Doddington and his nephew George Bubb in the parish of Tarrant Gunville.
A plaque on the bridge attests its construction date and authorship of the bridge. The bridge also bears a transportation plaque warning that persons damaging the bridge will be transported for life:
7 & 8 GEO 4 C30 S13
The building is Grade II Listed reference 103125 (Durweston Bridge). Only 10 bridges on Dorset have this status.
The boundary between the parishes of Durwesto
n and Stourpaine runs along the centre of the carriageway crossing the bridge.
Now is the chance for you to help good causes in the village by donating unwanted presents or items you no longer have a use for!
We have started to make plans for this year’s village fete and are looking for a range of items we can offer as prizes or sell on the stalls at the fete. As yet we do not have a list of who the stallholders will be, can you set aside any items you would like to donate? A detailed list of where donations should be delivered will be announced nearer to the day of the fete.
The type of gifts we would welcome would be suitable to be sold / won on Book;Bric a brac; Cakes, bakes and local produce; Children’s Tombola; Plants; Tin hoopla and Tombola stalls.
If you have any queries about donating gifts, please contact Jacky Fairweather
on T: 01258 480 982.
Coastal Communities Fund – New Applications Invited from England
The Coastal Communities Fund (CCF) is supporting the development of coastal areas, promoting sustainable economic growth and jobs, so that people are better able to respond to changing economic needs and opportunities.
The Government has committed £27.8 million to support the CCF in 2013-14 with money generated by the Crown Estate’s marine assets. The Fund is UK-wide; however, different levels of funding have been allocated to England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland on the basis of revenue generated.
£21.7 million funding is available in England for 2013-14 and applications for new projects are being invited from today. Individual funding awards of over £50,000 are available for projects lasting up to two years.
The funds can be used to support both capital and revenue projects and communities will be encouraged to match funds with other pots of money.
Examples of activities that may be eligible for funding include:
supporting skills and training initiatives to improve job prospects;
maintaining and developing specialised tourist infrastructure;
managing and adapting to flood and coastal erosion risk;
supporting social enterprises to bring new economic opportunities and jobs;
offering apprenticeships to school leavers;
creating new workspaces to support and grow local economies;
boosting local approaches to promoting enterprise and economic regeneration; and
supporting sustainable transport improvements.
Innovative bids will be welcomed from businesses, social enterprises, local enterprise partnerships, charities, voluntary groups and local authorities supporting economic development within the community.
Applicants with projects proposed for England are required to submit a stage one application by 13 May 2013.
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