Wimborne and Ferndown Singers

WimFernSingersWimborne and Ferndown Singers are a ladies choir singing in 3 parts- Soprano, Second Soprano and Altos.


They sing at concerts for local charities. Entertain at residential homes and local churches.

Wimborne and Ferndown Singers with local artists are presenting a Summer’s Evening entertainment on Friday, 12 July 2013 at 19:30 in Holy Trinity Church, Stourpaine.

Gardening Club: Tips – June/July

Gardening Club
Gardening Club
Gardening Club

Gardening Tips for June/ July

Bindweed, couch grass and other perennial weeds can quickly spread through established borders, so be vigilant and dig them out as soon as you notice them. Being careful to get the whole root where possible.

Don’t forget, that by regular dead heading you will continue to get flowers especially on sweat peas, roses, lupins and delphiniums.

Keep an eye on your lawn and should you be invade by daises and dandelions use a weed killer. If it is just the odd one try digging it out.

Water regularly but avoid the heat of the day. The best time to water is either evening or early morning before it gets too warm. BY DOING THIS YOU WILL AVOID SUN SCORCH.

Ponds and water features need regular care. Keep them topped up and at the first sign of duck or blanket weed remove it, as it soon multiplies.

Continue planting salad crops for a continuous supply. July is also the time to plant winter spinach, spring cabbage and turnips. You can also plant French beans and peas for a late crop.

Mound soil up around the stems of maincrop potatoes, to encourage better crops.

Thanks to the right weather and a bee population many of you may be looking forward to a bumper apple crop. Should you be lucky enough to have large clusters of apples, it may be advisable to remove some to encourage a larger apple. Keep a close eye on them and remove any damaged or diseased straight away.

Happy Gardening

Gardening Club: 2013 Programme

Gardening Club
Gardening Club
Gardening Club

Gardening Club 2013 Programme

09 August Demonstrations by Pete & Jan
Softwood cuttings and flower arranging

28 August Visit to Highgrove

14 September Saturday Annual Show
To include the children’s Sunflower Growing Competition. The Potato & Fushia Growing Competition. As well, for the first time, a sale of home grown produce at the end of the show.

20 September
The Hampton Court Experience
Speaker from Castle Gardens

12 October Saturday
Barn Dance- Harvest Supper
Supported by The Yetties

08 November Friday
A talk about Dorset Air Ambulance

20 November Christmas Shopping Event
@ Castle Gardens 6.45 for 7.00

13 December Christmas Social Evening.
Singalong, Playalong Music for Fun
By David Andrews

Gardening Club: Highgrove Gardens

Gardening Club
Gardening Club
Gardening Club

Visit to Highgrove Gardens
Wednesday 28 August
Please ensure those of you with tickets bring photo ID with you. Passports preferably.
You will not be allowed to take cameras or mobile phones into the shop, café or garden, so to avoid disappointment please leave them at home where possible.
A coach will pick us up and return us to the White Horse. Should you need to drive to the collection point please park your car in the grounds of the village hall.
You will notified of times nearer the date in the next Newsletter.

Gardening Club: Demonstrations

Gardening Club
Gardening Club
Gardening Club

Demonstrations with hands on experience
(Softwood Cuttings by Pete Palmer and Flower Arranging by Jan)
Friday 9 August 7.30 at The Village Hall
This is by special request. There will be a small charge for compost and oasis used, but surely it is well worth it to gain some experience. It will be most helpful if you could bring your own scissors or secateurs. If taking part in the flower arranging you will need some flowers and a container. Come and have some fun!!!

Gardening Club: Cheese & Wine

Gardening Club
Gardening Club
Gardening Club

Cheese and Wine (with Skittles)
Sunday 14 July 12.30pm @ Stourpaine Playing Fields.
Everyone is welcome but non-members will have to pay £10. Please contact Jan on T: 01258 453470 to book a place whether you are members or not, as we need numbers for catering purposes.

Gardening Club: Kingston Lacey Picnic

Gardening Club
Gardening Club
Gardening Club

Kingston Lacey Picinic
Sunday 16 June (Fathers’day) 2pm for 2.30
This event is open to everyone. Please bring food to share, but drink for just yourselves. Members who do not have national trust membership, will be required to pay for entry into the grounds but once inside give your receipt to Jan, Pete or Jean who will then arrange a refund for you. (This will not include entry into the house).
There will be yellow balloons from the car park, guiding you to the meeting point as well as some committee members watching out for you. Games will be provided for children by Peter Jones, so that the adults can enjoy the surroundings in peace.
Some lifts are available and in the event of bad weather please ring Dave Williams T: 01258 488825.

DT11 Partners Meeting: 11 June 2013

Community partnership

TUESDAY 11 June 2013



Public Meeting

All Welcome

Keith Harrison, Public & Patient Involvement Development Worker (CCG) will be doing a presentation telling us the ways local residents can voice their views on newly formed Clinical Commissioning Group (Primary Care Trust)

Come and have your say!!

Patient Participation Week : 3-7 June 2013

PPWFind out more about joining your local Patient Group at one of these events:

  • SHERBORNE Grove Medical Centre, Monday 3rd, 10am – 3pm
  • BLANDFORD Eagle House Surgery & Whitecliff Surgery, Tuesday 4th, 9.00 am – 12.00pm
  • SHAFTESBURY Town Hall, Thursday 6th, 9.30am – 5.30pm


For more about these events contact Keith Harrison, Patient & Public Involvement
Development Worker – 07825 691508 / Keith.Harrison@dorset-pct.nhs.uk