Gardening Club: Tips – June/July

Gardening Club
Gardening Club
Gardening Club

Gardening Tips for June/ July

Bindweed, couch grass and other perennial weeds can quickly spread through established borders, so be vigilant and dig them out as soon as you notice them. Being careful to get the whole root where possible.

Don’t forget, that by regular dead heading you will continue to get flowers especially on sweat peas, roses, lupins and delphiniums.

Keep an eye on your lawn and should you be invade by daises and dandelions use a weed killer. If it is just the odd one try digging it out.

Water regularly but avoid the heat of the day. The best time to water is either evening or early morning before it gets too warm. BY DOING THIS YOU WILL AVOID SUN SCORCH.

Ponds and water features need regular care. Keep them topped up and at the first sign of duck or blanket weed remove it, as it soon multiplies.

Continue planting salad crops for a continuous supply. July is also the time to plant winter spinach, spring cabbage and turnips. You can also plant French beans and peas for a late crop.

Mound soil up around the stems of maincrop potatoes, to encourage better crops.

Thanks to the right weather and a bee population many of you may be looking forward to a bumper apple crop. Should you be lucky enough to have large clusters of apples, it may be advisable to remove some to encourage a larger apple. Keep a close eye on them and remove any damaged or diseased straight away.

Happy Gardening