Click this link: UPDATE Questionnaire Guide for the original document reproduced below.



1. The Parish Plan Steering Committee, acting on behalf of the Parish Council, is preparing an update to the PARISH PLAN published in 2007. The purpose of the update is to review the work that has been done and to identify other areas where residents would like to see changes being made.

2. A future needs Open Day “STOURPAINE MATTERS!” was successfully held and opinions collected. A further opportunity is now being provided to develop and focus on key issues using these “STOURPAINE MATTERS!” forms.

3. Your input has NO commercial purpose. However, it is important to obtain the views of as many people in the parish as possible. Not all residents could attend the open day, but all will receive a “STOURPAINE MATTERS!” form. We hope that all will take the opportunity to make their views known by completing and returning “STOURPAINE MATTERS!” forms to us.

4. Your input is anonymous but we would like to collect your postcode to help us with the analysis and interpretation of the answers you give us. The number at the top of the form is for checking the issue and return of the forms. No information will be retained by the Update Committee, the Parish Council or supplied to any other organisation which will be used to link your answers to you as a result of completing these forms.

5. There are two forms:

  • ADULTS, for completion by each adult (18 years and over) in the household.
  • YOUNG PERSONS, for completion by each person aged 8 to 17 years.

6. To complete any form, please tick the appropriate boxes and write in any comments you may have in the spaces provided.

7. If, for any reason, you would like help in completing the forms please contact:

Derek Gardiner
1 Hod Drive
Stourpaine DT11 8TJ
01258 488 455

8. We would like your completed forms to be returned by the 2nd December 2012. Can you please return them in the envelope provided either to the distributor whose name is on the introductory sheet that should have been left with you or leave them in the collection box in the Village Shop? Alternatively, your distributor will return after a few days to collect them as from the 25th November.

Please complete the forms with care and consideration for the future of the Parish. The success of this initiative depends on YOU, the residents of the Parish, giving YOUR input.