Category Archives: Sports Pavilion

Upcoming Annual General Meetings – 2024



  1. Opening of meeting
  2. Apologies
  3. Minutes of last AGM and matters arising
  4. Chairman’s report
  5. Treasurer’s report
  6. Election of committee
  7. Any other business


All residents of Stourpaine over the age of 18 may attend and vote. Residents under the age of 18 may attend but not vote. Please attend and make your views known.

There are vacancies on the Management Committee. If you would like to stand as a Trustee on the Management Committee, please complete a nomination form, which can be downloaded from the Village Hall website at Completed forms should be returned to the Secretary SPFVHA, Corner Cottage, 12 Manor Road, Stourpaine, or by email to by 10th November 2024. Further information about the Trustee role can be obtained from the SPFVHA Chairman, Sharon Holloway by email to

Nominations for election to the Management Committee will be collated and shared with voters at the AGM.

A copy of the draft minutes from the AGM 2023, and the accounts for 2023/2024 can be viewed on the Village Hall website at

Please send any subjects for the agenda for the 2024 AGM to Sharon Holloway (contact details above) by 10th November 2024.

Accounts 2024 Status

Village Hall has Roots

 A select gang of worthy Villagers helped plant three trees beside the new Village Hall recently

A select gang of worthy Villagers helped plant three trees beside the new Village Hall recently

Three trees were paid for from the collection taken at Jocelyn Russell‘s 100th birthday party and replace the copper beech Jocelyn had planted some years ago that was removed to make way for the new Hall.

This tree is a Sweet Gum (Liquidamber styraciflua Worplesdon). The tree planted between the two buildings is a Flowering Pear (Pyrus Calleryana Chanticleer) and a third – an Oak has been planted beyond the football pitch.

Really helpful advice was received from the North Dorset Tree Officer Sandie Saunders, our resident arboricultural expert Peter Palmer supervised and Mark Farwell generously provided a digger to make the holes and carry the heavier trees.