Dorset Council’s volunteer digital champions available to speak at community groups
Dorset Council’s volunteer digital champions are friendly volunteers who can help people get online and increase their confidence with all things digital.
They provide face-to-face support in libraries across the county and are now extending the service to community groups and organisations.
Stourpaine Village Hall and the adjacent playing fields are a great asset to our village in many ways. There are regular clubs and activities held there as well as events like the Jubilee and Coronation events and The Annual Garden Club Show. The Big Breakfasts are a lovely social gathering held a few times a year. It is home to the Tennis Club and used by many people for informal recreation and is available for football games. There is always potential for developing more activities and facilities. The hall and pavilion are also available for hire for family parties, weddings, art shows, poetry events, yoga retreats, etc. etc. The hall rental forms the main income source of funding for running and maintaining the facilities.
The Village Hall and Playing Fields are managed by a management committee of volunteer trustees. This is where I am asking for your help. Most of the volunteers have to leave the committee this year, either because they have served the maximum term allowed by our scheme of governance of 6 years, or for other personal reasons.
Wessex Internet (WI) are inviting Stourpaine residents to the Village Hall on Tuesday 24 October for a Community Meeting to find out about their plans on bringing full fibre broadband to Stourpaine.
Our focus is on keeping local Dorset children close to their schools, friends and birth families and to avoid sending them out of the county. To do this, we need more people to foster with us.
Dorset Council is looking for people from all backgrounds to help care for Dorset’s children and young people. You can be married, single or in a partnership, working/not working, and from all ethnic groups and backgrounds. Providing you are over 18, have the space in your home and the time to offer a young person, then fostering might be a brilliant option for you.
When you foster with Dorset Council you will receive wrap-around support, training and a weekly allowance. You’ll also join Dorset’s supportive fostering community who have a wealth of experience.
If you are interested in becoming a foster carer, or would like to find out more, then head to our website for further information, download an information pack or submit an enquiry. Our team is always happy to have a no-commitment, friendly chat and to answer any questions you might have.
We have a number of foster carers who are happy to be interviewed or discuss their fostering experiences. Please get in touch for any interview opportunities.
Following a meeting with Wessex Internet on Wednesday 17 May 2023, the latest update is that the Planning effort for the rollout into Stourpaine village has been delayed.
Work commence is now expected for early June 2023.
Little progress other than a rumoured “early Autumn”
Work commenced 09 October 2023 for cable laying into and around Stourpaine with town work expected in the following 8-10 weeks for completion.
Remember there are mobile phone SIM-only social tariffs also through VOXIand EE (pending). If you a a light phone user, you might consider 1p Mobile instead.
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