Category: Parish Council
From Chair SPS – Planning Application
Planning Application: P/FUL/2022/06325, Bottom Road, Stourpaine.
Dear Resident,
Dorset Council Planning Department, have this week informed SPC that an application has been lodged to erect 14 dwellings on the site identified on land at Bottom Road. This would be affordable homes with vehicular access, parking and landscaping.
SPC will discuss this application at their next meeting on Tuesday 14th March at 7pm. Members of the public are warmly welcomed to hear councillors thoughts and take part in the discussions on the above subject.
Please review the application and reply to DC prior to the 27th March 2023.
Yours sincerely,
Scott Norman
Chair, Stourpaine Parish Council
Parish Council Meeting
First Parish Council meeting of 2023:
10 January @ 7pm Tuesday in the Village Hall
Meeting detail:
I HEREBY GIVE YOU NOTICE that a Meeting of the above Parish Council will be held at the Village Hall at 7pm on the 10th January 2023.
All members of the Council are hereby summoned to attend for the purpose of considering and resolving upon the business to be transacted as set out at the meeting as set out hereunder.
Signed:…………………………………………………………………………………. Mrs J Fairman, Clerk
Democratic Period:
There will then be an opportunity in the regular meeting for residents to speak on any items on the Agenda or other matters of interest or concern that they wish to bring to the attention of the Parish Council.
The meeting will be preceded by the Allotment AGM at 6.30pm- see separate agenda.
- Apologies for Absence:
- Declarations of Interests
- To consider any matters arising from the November minutes
- To approve minutes of the meeting held 08/11/2022.
- To consider development control matters.
-Bushes Rd – New Driveway
-P/FUL/2022/02944 – Land at Bottom Rd-Erection of 8 dwellings, garages, parking, vehicular access. - Dorset Councillor Report
- Reports
a. Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator
b. Highways
c. Flood Prevention and Protection – see report above
d. Trailway and Rights of Way
e. Play Areas — Petanque
f. Village Hall — Warm Space - Finance Report
– Approve Invoices to be paid
– Approve Precept Request - To consider any other matters arising from recent correspondence
a. Planters and Trough
b. Wessex Internet
c. Information Board
d. Dark Skies Initiative
Date of next meeting – 14th February 2023
Stourpaine Village Litter Pick – 18 September 2021

The Stourpaine Parish Council have set the date for this year’s Litter Pick, which will be held on Saturday 18th September.
If anyone would like to volunteer to help with the litter pick just turn up at the White Horse Pub at 10:00.
We would recommend that you bring your own gloves.
Planning Application – P/FUL/2021/01074
PUBLIC FOOTPATH E18/13 – 6+ Month Closure
Be advised that a temporary traffic order, which Dorset Council is introducing, will close Footpath E18/13 for at least six months.
The diversion is along Rowland Road up to Shaston Road. It therefore exposes walkers to a 100m stretch of a busy public highway.
UPDATE – P225-21-2
The route has been amended to avoid the busy road:

If you would like further information:
- About the work being undertaken please contact Domonic Teversham Building & Groundworks on 01258 480800;
- For Rights of Way enquiries please contact the Senior Ranger on 01258 456970;
- Concerning this order please call Dorset Highways’ Traffic Team on 01305 221020;
Stourpaine Parish Council Meeting – 09 March 2021
New Website – Stourpaine Parish Council

Now Open @
Please update your Shortcuts.
Point of contact:
Marianne Wheatley
Parish Clerk – Stourpaine Parish Council
Tel: 01305 873838
A350 Community Group
Dear Stourpaine Resident
As you may know the government has announced new funds for rural bypasses. There have been plans to bypass Shaftesbury and the A350/C13 for many decades but no money was available. This is a rare chance to get something done to reduce the number of HGVs on the A350.
At the same time North Dorset District Council (NDDC) are asking local people their views on the council plans to 2031, called a Local Plan. Part of this consultation asks whether the land currently identified and safeguarded for the Shaftesbury Outer Bypass should continue to be safeguarded. Your parish council, Shaftesbury Town Council and all the other parish councils on the A350 would like your help to keep the land safeguarded for a possible future bypass otherwise any future options will have gone forever.
What do I need do to ?
The NDDC consultation asks whether you agree with a specific set of questions. We are interested in Question 29 which asks:
Q29. Do you consider that the land which is identified and safeguarded for the Shaftesbury Outer Bypass and the Charlton Marshall and Spetisbury Bypass should continue to be identified and safeguarded for such purposes?
You have to reply via a form which we have attached. We would ask that you fill in your name, address, postcode, telephone number and email address in Part A and then just click on the “Yes” box for Question 29. If you want to answer any more questions that’s fine but when you are finished please send it to:
This must be done by 5.00 pm on 22nd January for your opinion to count.
If you wish you can see the whole Local Plan at:
Thank you so much for your help.
Stourpaine Parish Council
Marianne Wheatley
Parish Clerk – Stourpaine Parish Council
Tel: 01305 873838
Stourpaine Parish Council – Transparency Code December 2014
In accordance with the Department of Communities and Local Government Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities, please find below a link to a list of transactions over £100.00 for the financial year 2015/16 –
Transparency Code List of transactions over £100.00 for 2015 to 2016
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