Old Market Dental Practice is accepting new NHS patients:
- practice@oldmarket-dental.com
- http://oldmarket-dental.com/
- Old Market Site
Station Road
Sturminster Newton DT10 1BB
Old Market Dental Practice is accepting new NHS patients:
The pharmacist at the local pharmacies can help you with advice for minor ailments.
Please help us to help you by keeping a timely check on your regular medications. We want to offer you an efficient service so we need 2 full working days notice for your prescription request (and if your prescription is collected by one of the pharmacies please allow them an extra day as well). Your prescription should then be ready on time.
We deal with more that 500 repeat prescriptions each week and although some people think that repeat prescriptions just involve the doctor signing a piece of prescription slip, there are a good number of checks made each time you send in a repeat slip. We check that you are using the medication correctly (not taking too much or too little), whether or not you are due for your annual review, whether you have had all necessary tests to enable you to continue the medication and whether those tests have thrown up any queries.
Please think of this when you check your medication and send in your repeat slip. We are pleased to take repeat requests by e-mail: eaglehouse.rec@dorset.nhs.uk (or written requests dropped into the Surgery). The return of your repeat slip or written request is far safer than a telephone request; however, telephone requests are still accepted for housebound patients if necessary.
Do you suffer with asthma, COPD, diabetes, heart or kidney problems, high blood pressure, stroke or dementia? If so, please don’t forget to book an appointment during your birthday month with the Nurse or Health Care Assistant in the first instance. (We choose your birthday month so that it is easy to remember.)
The check-ups are important so that the doctor can monitor your long-term health. It will also give you the opportunity to voice any queries or concerns. (If in doubt the receptionist will advise who you need to see).
If you need to speak to a doctor please try to ring at the following times:
Routine advice and test results –
11:45 – 12:00 or
18:00 – 18:30
The receptionist may be able to help you with the test results so please make sure you tell her that you are ringing for results.
Please allow a week for routine blood test results or 1 to 2 weeks for routine x-rays. Some complex tests may take longer.
Visit requests (for those whose condition makes it impossible for them to visit the surgery) please try to ring before 10.00 am so that the doctor may plan their day.
We have introduced an automated booking in system at Eagle House (no we haven’t done away with the Receptionists!!) Hopefully this will cut down on your wait at the desk and will allow those who need to speak to the receptionist to do so without worrying about the queue behind. Please give it a go. It’s easy once you know how and will be a great help to us all.
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