
Title: Toddlers
Location: Village Hall
Link out: Click here
Description: Carer and Toddlers – open to all parents or carers with under school age children.
Contact Sue Atkinson T: 01258 455 778
Start Time: 10:30
Date: 2012-10-22
End Time: 12::

Life Drawing Group

Title: Life Drawing Group
Location: Village Hall
Link out: Click here
Description: Thursday 10:30–12:00 Weekly in term time
Art Class – contact Donald Melvin T: 01258 480 920
Start Time: 10:30
Date: 2012-10-25
End Time: 12:00

Carer and Toddlers

Title: Carer and Toddlers
Location: Village Hall
Link out: Click here
Description: Mondays10:30–12:00 Weekly in term time
Carer and Toddlers – open to all parents or carerswith under school age children.
Contact Sue Atkinson T: 01258 455 778
Start Time: 10:30
Date: 2012-10-15
End Time: 12:00


I WOULD like to see the football clubs matches displayed so that other events will not coincide with their games.

Forum Focus Magazine

 The Blog has a new page: Forum Focus – the free monthly community newspaper for Blandford Forum and villages.

Inaugural Forum Focus magazine
April 2012
Categorised as Forum Focus

Stourpaine Matters! – Press Release


 12th September 2012


In the past five years the Village of Stourpaine has changed for the better and plans are underway to ensure it continues to improve. It seems to be an ideal time to stop and reflect on what projects and improvements have been accomplished and what work needs to be progressed since the village adopted its first Parish Plan.

A Parish Plan Committee has been tasked with reviewing the 2007 Parish Plan to engage local residents in planning for and recording the future needs of the village, as a benchmark or evidence of the residents’ views of what can be done to improve village life in the second decade of the 21st century. The need for community development and planning really couldn’t be more pressing than it is now, as new demands on rural living from climate change and escalating energy costs are forcing may people to change their lifestyles to travel less and to appreciate what they can do to make communities more resilient to changes.

The Parish Plan Committee is inviting local residents to come and celebrate what has been accomplished over the past five years of parish planning, such as the trailway, retention of the Post Office and village store, the new children’s playground and other milestones, and to participate in a community wide review of current plans and projects.

The Committee is having an interactive Open Day on 6th October in the Village Hall, from 10am to 4pm to launch a consultation on the review of the Parish Plan.  It is hoped that as many residents as possible will attend as this is a real opportunity for local residents to have their say on updating the plan.

For more information contact Wendy Gredley (tel: 01258 488 792) or e-mail

Derek Gardiner
Stourpaine Parish Plan Committee



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