Stourpaine Gardening Club – Membership – Updated

Gardening Club


MEMBERSHIP runs from 01 January until 31 December and is currently £7.50 per year.
This will increase to £10 for 2019. Membership closes 31 March each year with the exception of newcomers to the village.

Membership allows free admission to meetings, refreshments and bi-monthly newsletters.

There is a Cheese & Wine Evening, the club pays entry fees to a yearly Chosen Garden Visit in the Summer; this is usually instead of a meeting in the Hall.

We have a Christmas Social Evening with seasonal refreshments and entry into a free Members’ Christmas Raffle.

We currently have between 90-95 members from Stourpaine and the surrounding villages.

Stourpaine Village Fete 2018 – Meeting

Peter Jones has asked me to let you know that there will be a gathering in the White Horse on Monday 23 April at 7.30 pm for an update on the progress of the Stourpaine Village Fete. The Fete is on Sunday 24th June from 12 noon to 5 pm.

Please come along if you’re interested in helping in any way or if you have any ideas you’d like to put forward. If you’re not able to come to the meeting but would like to help or put forward an idea, please contact Peter:

Stourpaine Tennis Club – Spring Supper & Quiz Night – 27 April 2018

Teams of up to six can enter.

Spring Supper & Quiz Night – 27 April 2018 
Stourpaine Village Hall

Stourpaine Tennis Club invites you to join us for a
delicious home cooked lasagne supper and a drink,
together with a fun-filled quiz orchestrated by our
local quiz master…Bryn

7.30 p.m. warm up for 8 p.m. play.
 £10 per person
 Bar and raffle

Contact: FELICITY COX 454840

St George’s Day Celebration – Child Okeford

Child Okeford’s traditional St George’s Day celebration takes place on Saturday 21st April at 12.00 p.m., with the Dragon procession.

All are invited to join the Mummers, maids and musicians as they make their way from the old Post Office to the village Cross, where the annual St George’s play is performed.

The Baker Arms will be providing pulled pork and apple sauce to feed onlookers. Come and enjoy a drink or two afterwards, with some live, traditional folk music, and sing along or dance to the local Baker Band.

Charles Upton
01258 861391

Dorset Gardens Trust – A Talk by Diana Guy

The Dorset Gardens Trust have hired Stourpaine Village Hall for a talk by Diana Guy, winner of the first BBC Gardener of the Year competition.

She is a specialist in hellebores and a highly sought after garden lecturer already known to DGT. Diana will give an illustrated talk looking at the range of species and cultivars of hellebores and how to use them to the best effect.

An added attraction is that there may be unusual hellebores for sale.

Stourpaine residents who are interested are welcome to come and pay on the door. Cost £8.

Village Hall – Tea Dance

On Sunday 18 February Sue (Bosworth) and Caroline (Jones) are holding a Tea Dance at the Village Hall in aid of Durweston Choral Society. You’ll start with a glass of fizz, then learn two simple moves of Modern Jive, followed by tea.
Modern Jive is easy and a lot of fun – ‘a dance style derived from swing, Lindy Hop, rock and roll, salsa and others, the main innovation being to simplify the footwork…..’ Just two moves can be the antidote to loud music at parties! Peter and Caroline will teach the moves. No partner needed though. And if you really can’t/don’t want to dance, come and enjoy the occasion.
Sunday 18 February
Cost £7
Tickets from Caroline 01258 458 557 / 07976 426 989 or Sue 01258 454 605