Wessex Internet (WI) are inviting Stourpaine residents to the Village Hall on Tuesday 24 October for a Community Meeting to find out about their plans on bringing full fibre broadband to Stourpaine.
Dorset Council Planning Department, have this week informed SPC that an application has been lodged to erect 14 dwellings on the site identified on land at Bottom Road. This would be affordable homes with vehicular access, parking and landscaping.
SPC will discuss this application at their next meeting on Tuesday 14th March at 7pm. Members of the public are warmly welcomed to hear councillors thoughts and take part in the discussions on the above subject.
Please review the application and reply to DC prior to the 27th March 2023.
Yours sincerely, Scott Norman Chair, Stourpaine Parish Council
First Parish Council meeting of 2023: 10 January @ 7pm Tuesday in the Village Hall Meeting detail:
I HEREBY GIVE YOU NOTICE that a Meeting of the above Parish Council will be held at the Village Hall at 7pm on the 10th January 2023. All members of the Council are hereby summoned to attend for the purpose of considering and resolving upon the business to be transacted as set out at the meeting as set out hereunder.
Signed:…………………………………………………………………………………. Mrs J Fairman, Clerk 05/01/2022 Democratic Period: There will then be an opportunity in the regular meeting for residents to speak on any items on the Agenda or other matters of interest or concern that they wish to bring to the attention of the Parish Council.
The meeting will be preceded by the Allotment AGM at 6.30pm- see separate agenda.
Apologies for Absence:
Declarations of Interests
To consider any matters arising from the November minutes
To approve minutes of the meeting held 08/11/2022.
To consider development control matters. -Bushes Rd – New Driveway -P/FUL/2022/02944 – Land at Bottom Rd-Erection of 8 dwellings, garages, parking, vehicular access.
Dorset Councillor Report
Reports a. Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator b. Highways c. Flood Prevention and Protection – see report above d. Trailway and Rights of Way e. Play Areas — Petanque f. Village Hall — Warm Space
Finance Report – Approve Invoices to be paid – Approve Precept Request
To consider any other matters arising from recent correspondence a. Planters and Trough b. Wessex Internet c. Information Board d. Dark Skies Initiative
Our Administrator is Gill Baverstock (contact for Weddings, Baptisms, funerals and churchyard memorials) Tel: 01725 516 311 or email gill.baverstock@hotmail.co.uk
For Pews News please contact Judy Jakes Tel: 07957 607111 or email psdbenefice@gmail.com
Our Priest in Charge is now Rev David Miell Tel: 07708 601 462 or email dkmiell@david-williams and our Associate Priest is Rev Henriët Miell Tel: 07484 675 097 or email henrietmiell@gmail.com
Lay Pastoral Assistants: Mrs Sue Atkinson Rose House, South Holme, Stourpaine. T: 07796 474 197
Church Wardens: Mr Chris Brown T: 01258 451 129 Mrs Sue Atkinson. T: 07796 474 197
With living costs rising all the time, everyone is looking for ways to save some money, so Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service is highlighting some areas where a saving could be a false economy – and a fire risk.
The Service is asking people to #SaveSafely, and there is a wealth of information about staying safe at home and on the roads at www.dwfire.org.uk/save-safely. This includes energy saving tips, cooking safely advice, how to stay warm safely, staying safe when cutting costs, cutting the costs of driving, and signposting to financial help.
Some top tips include:
Pulling something like electric heaters or electric blankets out of the loft, that haven’t been used for years, can be risky. Watch for signs of dangerous or loose wiring, such as scorch marks, hot plugs and sockets, fuses that often blow, or circuit breakers that trip for no obvious reasons.
If you’re drying clothes indoors rather than use a tumble dryer, keep them well away from the heat source so they can’t catch fire.
Air fryers and microwave ovens are great at saving energy when cooking, but please read the manufacturer’s instructions and keep them clean between uses.
Getting chimneys swept when you have a woodburner or open fire is essential to reduce the risk of chimney fires. Also be careful of what you burn; green (unseasoned) wood may seem cheap, but it doesn’t create much heat and it creates a residue that can easily catch alight within the chimney.
Get your boiler serviced – a well maintained boiler is more efficient and reduces the dangers of carbon monoxide poisoning.
Only use the correct charger for mobile devices. Although it can be cheaper to buy imported and unofficial chargers, fake ones are often made with poor quality components that fail to meet UK safety regulations. This means they can cause injury, electric shocks and even fires.
Make sure you follow the manufacturer’s instructions when using wheat bags – don’t heat them for too long, or at too high a temperature.
The Fire and Rescue Service offers free Safe & Well advice, which can include a home visit and the provision of smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. To request this for yourself, a family member or a vulnerable person, please call 0800 038 2323 or visit www.dwfire.org.uk/safe-and-well-visits
Blandford Community Hospital is running a walk-in for Covid-19 vaccinations on Saturday and Sunday, 18/19 June 2022. Please check if there are other dates arranged.
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