- Should you want to plant a new hedge or new roses for next year, now is the time to order bare rooted stock. This will save you a great deal of cash. If you need advice as to some suppliers, please speak to Pete at the next meeting.
- Once all the leaves have left your apple trees it is time for their yearly prune. Collect fallen leaves, not diseased ones, and either put on your compost heap or store in black bags. This will encourage them to break down and you will then be able to use them for mulch.
- Now is the time to plant tulip bulbs ready for spring.
Clean out and replenish bird baths and feeders regularly Tennis balls are a good addition to ponds, fountains and birdbaths alike, to stop them from freezing over completely. - We’ve already experienced ground frost so all vulnerable and precious plants should be covered or moved to a safer place for winter.
- Outside taps should be well insulated, or better still, the supply turned off for winter months. We don’t want the trouble of burst pipes.
Category: Gardening
Gardening Club
Gardening Club – Jobs for December
Now is the time for a general tidy-up.
- With the fresh memory of planting, move plants to a new home, at the same time splitting perennials to make more plants. Whilst doing this give the borders a good dig over, feeding the soil and planting bulbs at the same time.
- Containers will need freshening up for the winter, so these can be planted up with bulbs and other fresh material. Exotic plants need to be protected from frost, so either move inside or wrap next month. Don’t wait until it’s too late.
- Pick fruit and compost fallen fruit that is too bad to use. This in turn will remove wasps to one spot therefore making the garden safer for children and grandchildren. This is now the time to prune raspberries and blackberries.
- Greenhouses, especially if you have had blight, can now be cleared out and cleaned, to allow the sowing of winter salad crops etc. You could also pin up bubble polythene insulation for warmth.
- This is also a good time to clean your pond. Use a rod or pole to remove blanket weed by twisting it round the pole. Be careful to return any wildlife which gets caught up in it.
- If your lawn is the worse for wear, aerate, scarify and dress ,sowing a thin layer of seed at the same time.
Gardening Club – Assistance
Some committee members are currently working odd days at the Village Hall.
We are trying to make it a more pleasant venue for our guests and visitors.
Should you like to help either in the grounds or cleaning inside the Hall for the odd afternoon, please contact Jan & Pete Palmer T: 01258 453 470 or Pete Jones T: 01258 458 557 to arrange a suitable time.
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Gardening Club – Suggestions Welcome
We are currently planning next years’ programme
Jan would like to hear from you if you have any ideas for talks or visits in 2013.
Please either phone T: 01258 453 470 or give one of the Committee details on a slip of paper when you next see them.
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stourpaine.info | Stourpaine Gardening Club
We have added a new page for the Stourpaine Gardening Club: stourpaine.info | Stourpaine Gardening Club. Click on any of the photos to see the displays.
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