Stourpaine Fête – Planning Meeting

Stourpaine Fête – Planning Meeting – 21 January 2013
Location: The White Horse
Description: To plan for the STOURPAINE 2013 SUMMER FETE
on Sunday, 30th June


Everyone welcome; Please bring new ideas; Offer to help to make it a great success
Please come to The White Horse at 7 p.m., Monday, 21st January to discuss what you can do to help plan the Fête.
Start Time: 19:00
Date: 21 January 2013

Gardening Club – Stourpaine Open Gardens

Gardening Club
Gardening Club


The Stourpaine Gardening Club committee have decided to have another go at opening members gardens in aid of charity.

To give everyone plenty of notice, as it can be hard work getting your garden up to scratch, or you may have an area you want to re-develop. The plan is to hold the event over a weekend in June 2014, in conjunction with a Flower Festival in The Church.

All members living in the village will be approached to open their garden; members living outside the village will be approached to marshal and assist with refreshments.

Pete will be looking for volunteers to help him with the organisation as I, Jan, will be assisting Fran with the Flower Festival.

Gardening Club – AGM – 08 February 2013

Gardening Club
Gardening Club
Gardening Club

Stourpaine Gardening Club – 2013 Annual General Meeting

Friday 08 February @ 19:00 – Stourpaine Village Hall

Anyone with subjects to be addressed at the AGM should contact Jan or Pete as soon as possible, so that it can be put on the agenda.

We will be away the week of the AGM and not returning until the 8th, so it needs to be timely so our house/dog sitter is not bothered.

Any committee member who wants to stand down or anyone wishing to join the committee  should also contact us ASAP.

Gardening Club – 2013 Highgrove Visit

Gardening Club
Gardening Club
Gardening Club

Highgrove Visit

You have all been told previously of our intention to visit Highgrove, sometime in June. I cannot be precise as the booking line for 2013 doesn’t open until February when they will contact me.
For the visit to be viable we need 25 people, maximum for the coach, at a cost of around £40 each. (£25 entry & £15 for the Coach).
We currently have 12 names, so halfway there. We need a nearly full coach for the trip to be viable.

If you are interested at all, please contact Jan on 01258 453 470 ASAP.