12 Apr 2022
Worried about your child’s educational progress?
Get in touch for advice and support

In October last year we launched the Dorset Education Advice Line – an advice line for parents and carers who are worried their child might not be making the progress they should be, or who may believe their child might have emerging special educational needs.
To date, we’ve spoken with approximately 60 Dorset families, talking to them about their worries and concerns, and making sure they get the right help, at the right time.
Cllr Andrew Parry, Dorset Council Portfolio Holder for Children, Education, Skills and Early Help said:
“The Education Advice Line will help to ensure that families and professionals work together at the earliest opportunity to engage in early identification and universal support for families in Dorset.
“If you are concerned about your child’s academic progress, or social and emotional development, then please do get in touch. Our Special Educational Needs Family Workers are here to listen, offer advice and can talk through your concerns with you.”
Get in touch
You can book a 15 minute appointment with one of our SEND Family Workers by using our online form, this is the quickest way to contact us.
If you aren’t able to do so, contact us and someone can make this booking for you over the phone. Call freephone 0800 14 040 41.
Our lines are open:
- Monday to Friday
- 10am to 4pm
- term time only
Contact Information
Rian Davies
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