Membership Fees
Annual subscriptions are due and will be £7.50 per person. We have had to increase the membership fee because we are having to use Durweston Village Hall for most of our meetings whilst the new village hall is being built. Could you please give your membership fees and for existing members, your membership cards for updating, to Pete and Jan Palmer at 22 Shaston Road either directly or through another committee member?
Stourpaine Gardening Club – Calendar of Events for 2015
(updated July 2015)
As from September, unless otherwise stated, all events will be held at the new Stourpaine Village Hall starting at 7.30 p.m.
Details of the events are as follows:
- Friday 14th August – Cheese and Wine with a quiz and fun with straw at Durweston Hall. Members free, non-members £10, tickets from Jan Palmer
- Saturday, 12th September– Annual Show starting at 2 p.m. with the potato weigh in. Chris Lewis and Jan will be this year’s contacts (see posters when they are up for timing)
- Friday 9th October– a demonstration of trug making given by Carl Sadler
- Friday 23rd October – a twilight visit to Abbotsbury Gardens – see below for details
- Friday 13th November– a demonstration of winter hanging baskets and primrose balls given by The Gold Club
- Friday, 11th December– Christmas social evening, including music by David Andrews
The Annual Stourpaine Show will be held on Saturday 12th September. Entry schedules will be available Monday 10th August from White Horse stores, Jan Palmer or Chris Lewis at Wyoming, Havelins (left hand bungalow down the gravel track opposite Jean Chandler’s house).
There are lots more classes this year, so read the form carefully so as not to be disappointed. This year entries will be invited from members, residents of Stourpaine and their families. Bring your grandchildren to have some fun with Peter Jones, retired Clayesmore teacher. Between 1.30 – 2.30pm, Peter will help them make “A Vegetable Sculpture” – all material will be supplied.
All adult entries will be 25p per exhibit and forms and fees must be submitted by 7 p.m., 9th September. External judges are brought in for all classes except the children’s sculpture which will be judged by two committee members.
Also, we are planning a twilight visit to Abbotsbury Illuminated Gardens in October. Tickets will cost £9.20 if paid for in advance. Anyone wanting further information on this event or to be added to the list please contact Jan (01258 453 470). Payment must be made before 1st October. We will be making our own way there as these tickets allow entry during the day as well. Some of us will be making a day of it. Anyone who would like to go and doesn’t have transport can speak to any committee member and we will do our utmost to get you a lift.
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