Stourpaine Parish Council – January 2014 Meeting


Download: Minutes of Meeting 140116 January 2014 

Present: Cllr K Yarwood – Vice Chair, Councillors, D Williams, K Yarwood, M Farwell and Cllr D Croney (NDDC & DCC) (leaves at 8.30pm) Cllr A Norman (arrived 7.35pm)

In attendance:

P Clark – Parish Clerk, 1 member of the public and Lyle Adlem – Flood Warden (arrived 7.40pm)

Public questions: During this time the following matter/s were brought to the attention of the Parish Council by members of the public –Comment was raised by the member of the public present regarding the change of electoral boundaries proposed by North Dorset District Council under the current Electoral Review. It was stated that the changes proposed would not be to the benefit of Stourpaine and that the village should remain in Hill Forts Ward rather than be placed in the new Cranborne Chase Ward.

Apologies for Absence

Cllr Peter Partridge

14/01/02   Declarations of Interest and Grant of Dispensations None
14/01/03   Approval of the Minutes of the Parish Council Meetings held on the 21st November 2013 and 12th December 2013.Having been distributed beforehand to Councillors the minutes of the meetings held on the 21st November 2013 and 12th December 2013 were accepted by all present to be a true and accurate record of proceedings and signed by Cllr Yarwood as Vice Chair.
14/01/04   Matters arising13/11/07 – i TrailwayIt was reported by CllrYarwood that at a recent North DorsetTrailway Group meeting a decision had been made to replace the gate by the Parish Church with one supplied by the British Horse Society.13/12/03 – Application 2/2013/1261/PLNG – Village Hall, Orchard Close & Clerke’s Acre, Shaston Road, Stourpaine, Blandford Forum, Dorset, DT11 8TE – Demolish Village Hall and Store. Erect 9 No. dwellings, 2 No. garages and bin store. Form pedestrian access and parking area.Further to the formal response of the Parish Council to the application it had been highlighted by Cllr Jespersen (NDDC) that the future finish and colouring of any timber cladding could not be guaranteed by planning authorities and that property owners could make decisions at a later to change/update
14/01/05 Flood Prevention MeasuresA discussion was held regarding the recent experience of flooding in the village in late December 2013.Cllr Norman stated that there had been good community engagement and spirit following the flood with residents wanting to help each other. Some concern was expressed that certain aspects of the current Flood Plan did not operate correctly and that there were lessons to be learnt and improvements to be made.The visit by Bob Walter MP to the village in the aftermath of the flooding was well received, a letter is to be written on behalf of the village to the Environment Agency to prompt some action. Cllr Norman highlighted the need for the Parish Council to continue to put pressure on the Environment Agency with particular regard to thelong awaitedPIDS that has been requested on numerous occasions.It is unlikely that any report from the Environment Agency on the most recent flooding would be forthcoming until late January/early February.

Lyle Adlem reported to the Parish Council that despite being the worst affected residential area of the village that few households in Havelins had signed up for the Environment Agency Flood Warning Protocol.

Cllr Norman gave details of research undertaken in flood warning systems these include: a water level monitoring probe that could be under a bridge that would give warnings to households and the supply of two-way radios to households and Flood Wardens in the Village. A conversation had been had with a village who had installed such systems that had proved to be of assistance.

Cllr Williams stated that with the prevalence of flooding in the Village that landowners/householders may need to contribute to any local initiatives.

Cllr Croney highlighted the needs for communities to know who was responsible for what, from the perspective of the Parish, District and County Councils, Emergency Services and Environment Agency. Knowing who the vulnerable are in communities was also key to effective prevention/response.


Parish Plan Update Action Plan – A350/AONB

Copies of the Parish Plan Update Action Plan had been circulated to Councillors this is to become a standing item on the agenda for Parish Council meeting. Action points would be reviewed on a regular basis.

The Clerk stated that copies of the publication Traffic in Villages Safety and Civility for Rural Roads – A toolkit for communities produced by the Dorset AONB Partnership would be circulated to Councillors. It would be useful for the Traffic in Villages Checklist, to be completed when practical.

The Clerk is also to contact Sue Mitchell – Dorset AONB Partnership to chase a pending report following a visit to/meeting in the village held in November 2013.

Cllr Yarwood requested an update on the response to the recent publicity on Community Speed Watch. The Clerk reported that despite detailing the initiative on the village website and notice board that only two residents had responded. Requests for publicity in the Benefice Magazine had not been responded to. It was suggested that the Clerk attempt again to publicise in the Benefice Magazine.

Action – Clerk to chase Sue Mitchell, Dorset AONB Partnership for the promised report and publicise Community Speed Watch once again in the Benefice Magazine.

14/01/07 Planning Matters as listed on the schedule1. 2/2013/1236/PLNG –15Shaston Road,Stourpaine, Blandford Forum, Dorset,DT118TA – Change of use of part ground floor from shop and post office to residential.It was reported by the Clerk thatNDDC had refused permission to this application despite the support of the Parish Council. Refusal had been made on the grounds that planners were of the opinion that the premises remained a valuable village asset. It was suggested by CllrCroney that information should be obtained fromNDDC to substantiate the decision with economic evidence.2. 2/2013/1248/PLNG – Quince Cottage, Coach Road,Stourpaine, Blandford Forum, Dorset,DT118TL – Demolish bungalow & outbuildings. Erect 1 No. replacement dwelling & garage/ancillary building. Modify vehicular access.The Clerk reported that permission had been granted by NDDC to this proposal with conditions details of which had been circulated to Councillors.

3. 2/2013/1330/PLNG – Hill View, Coach Road, Stourpaine, Blandford Forum, Dorset, DT11 8TL – Erect garage, log store and cart shed.

Details of this proposal were circulated to Councillors before the meeting for consideration. After a review of the plans and discussion it was agreed by Councillors that the Parish Council did not object to the application on the condition that planning officers ensure that the scale of the proposed building were in proportion to existing buildings on the plot.

Action – Clerk to respond to NDDC as above

Observations were raised by Councillors of the effectiveness of the planning application process using It was noted that it was difficult to view and print plans and maps to the detriment of the planning process. The Clerk reported that he had in the past raised this issue with NDDC as part of the pilot process.

14/01/08 Electoral Review of North Dorset The Clerk reported that a formal response had been senttoNDDC regarding their proposals toremoveStourpaine from Hill Forts Ward and place the Parish in anewCranborne Chase Ward. The response outlined the concerns and objectionsofStourpaine Parish Council over the proposals. A similar response has been sent to the consultation on the proposal by the Boundary Commission.Cllr Norman stated that at a recent meeting ofDAPTC that it was clear that neither Stephen Hill – General ManagerNDDC or Cllr ValPothecary –NDDC were aware of concerns ofStourpaine Parish Council to the proposals byNDDC despite the written response sent to NDDC.Action – Clerk to monitor for any responses/decisions by the Boundary Commission to proposals.
14/01/09  Reportsa. District Councillor  As previously circulated to Councillors.b. County Councillor

As previously circulated to Councillors.

Cllr Croney added that a Community Impact Group was to be set up with involvement from the District and County Council, Environment Agency to recent flooding in Dorset with a view to deciding what action is required now and what action will be required to mitigate future risks.

Following the flooding in North Dorset in December 2013 it was noted that NDDC were at times receiving rumours and speculations on instances of flooding but were not in receipt of definitive information that would have been useful in helping co-ordinate the response of services.

Cllr Croney reported that she would be visiting some of the at-risk areas in the locality with Roland Skeats – DCC in an effort to look at problem drains/gullies.

With regard to Council Tax Support and the issue that NDDC have decided that they will not pass on any grant to Parish Councils in 2014/15, Cllr Croney reported that the Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG) state they have set aside a grant to billing authorities included in the Revenue Support Grant but this had not been received by NDDC or not clearly highlighted by DCLG.

During a workshop in 2012 those Parish Clerks in attendance were informed that Parishes should not expect a grant in future years and that budgets should be prepared to allow for this.

Cllr Croney further reported that Blandford Town Council had not allowed for the removal of grant monies and that there were concerns over the finances and the effect on services.

Cllr Croney further stated that if grant monies had or would be paid to NDDC that she would advocate for this to be passed on to Parish/Town Councils.

The issues with Spectrum Housing and the management of the Hod View Estate were then highlighted. Cllr Croney stated that she is happy to continue to be involved in supporting the residents and Parish Council in dealing with Spectrum Housing and asked that the Parish Council advise of any action taken/required.

Copies of correspondence between Cllr Croney and Spectrum Housing has been circulated to Councillors by the Clerk.

The Clerk reminded Councillors that Spectrum Housing were holding a residents forum on the 19th February 2014 to which the Parish Council had an invite to attend.

Concern was expressed by the Parish Council that many of initiatives detailed in the Hod View Estate Strategy did not deal with the fundamental issues of property management and condition.

c. Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator


d. Village Hall/Stourpaine Playing Fields Association

 Cllr Yarwood reported that Electoral Services at NDDC has asked to book the Village Hall for May 2014 and May 2015, but they had been made aware of the proposals to redevelop the site.

The exchange of contracts for the sale of the Village Hall to Raglan Housing was expected to take place on the 4th February 2014. A reduced purchase price of £500,000 had been offered for the site based on the sale price and number of units planned for the site, however if a higher price for the market sale units could be achieved then the amount of funds received for the sale could be expected to increase.

The Sports Pavilion did flood in December 2013 and that this would be subject to an insurance claim. Cllr Norman reported that he had received a letter from a resident with regard to the flooding and the impact on the new village hall.

e. DT11 Forum/CPEND

Cllr Norman as Chair of the DT11 Forum reported NDDC were currently preparing budgets for 2014/15 and the financial support provided to community groups. A meeting had recently been held with officers of NDDC and that this had been a difficult meeting with the inference given that NDDC have will have limited financial resources to fund such groups and that Town Councils should take a role in providing support. Cllr Norman highlighted that it was unlikely that Town Councils could afford to do this, and although NDDC proposal would have a limited impact in 2014/15 and changes to funding would have a significant effect in 2015/16.

A planning application had been submitted to NDDC in respect of the Fording Point, Cultural Centre in Blandford. If approved this would provide theatre and cinema facilities to the area.

f. Trailway

 Cllr Norman stated that at a recent meeting of the North Dorset Trailway Group there had been agreement for the stretch of Trailway near the sewage station to be scraped and resurfaced but works would have to wait until the weather improved.

A response from DCC Rangers with regard to a number of issued raised by the Parish Council had been circulated to Councillors and that a further updated would be provided by the Clerk in due course.

g. Rights of Way Officer 

Cllr Williams as Rights of Way Officer stated that whilst he would be stepping down from his role as Parish Councillor during 2014 he would continue in his role as Snow Officer.

h. Allotments

The Clerk reported that despite efforts no meaningful contact had been made with the Stourpaine Allotments Association and that it was likely that the person in the role of Treasurer had changed once again. Continued efforts would be made to engage with the Allotments Association.

Cllr Norman reported that a resident of the village who leased land from the Parish Council was selling their property and that once sold if the Parish Council/householder wished to continue the lease agreement this would require renegotiation.

i. Unauthorised Travellers Encampment – Update

It was reported that Dorset Police recently raided the site concerning an investigation into the possession and sale of illegal drugs however no further action could be taken.

Cllr Farwell noted that it was the practice of the Traveller to let their dogs loose to roam around the area which could have an impact on wildlife and road safety.

The Clerk reported that he had been contact by representatives from Twyford Parish Council who have offered to discuss the issues and action taken to deal with the same group of Travellers who set up an illegal encampment in their Parish. It was agreed by Councillors that a meeting be arranged as soon as practical.

14/01/10   Reports on Play Areasa.Kidzone, Playing Field,HavelinsThe Clerk reported that Health & Safety inspections of the site continued to be carried out on a weekly basis.Following the recent flooding in theHavelins it was reported that the play area was waterlogged and not useable at present.b. Grace Upward Under 12s, Bottom Road

No report

Following the annual Health & Safety inspection carried out by the Play Inspection Company a number of deficiencies with highlighted with equipment and associated items that required attention. Phil Wigg had been approached by the Clerk to carry out a number of repairs to the play areas which should be completed by the end of January 2014. Any works that could not be completed due to requiring specialist knowledge/equipment would be instructed following quotes being obtained in due course.

14/01/11 Financea. Payments to be made as per schedule – for decisionIt was agreed by Councillors that all payments, bill and invoices listed on the schedule be paid. The payments were then authorised byCllrs Norman andYarwood. b. Budget 2014/15 The Clerk reported that a draft budget was in hand and that he was awaiting confirmation on issues regarding the localisation and payment of council tax support and the payment of any grant monies.

It was likely that there would be little in increase in expenditure for 2014/15, however the Clerk requested that Councillors raise any items to be included in the budget as soon as possible.

14/01/12   Correspondence The Clerk brought to the attention of Councillors item of correspondence received that had not previously been circulated.
14/01/13   Matters for consideration at the next meeting to be held on the 20th February 2014Cllr Norman stated that he had spoken at Louise Webb as resident of the Village who had expressed an interest in the role of Parish Councillor.Action – Clerk to extend an invitation to attend the next Parish Council meeting on the 20th February 2014The Clerk reported that an invitation had been extended to Deb Appleby at Locality to come and talk to the Village on the subject of Neighbourhood Plans. Confirmation of a suitable date is awaited.

 There being no further business the meeting was closed at 8.50pm


Councillor A Norman – Chairman Stourpaine Parish Council
