Find out more about joining your local Patient Group at one of these events:
- SHERBORNE Grove Medical Centre, Monday 3rd, 10am – 3pm
- BLANDFORD Eagle House Surgery & Whitecliff Surgery, Tuesday 4th, 9.00 am – 12.00pm
- SHAFTESBURY Town Hall, Thursday 6th, 9.30am – 5.30pm
For more about these events contact Keith Harrison, Patient & Public Involvement
Development Worker – 07825 691508 /
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Patient Participation Week in North Dorset
Residents of north Dorset are being invited to find out how they can get involved in helping shape their local health services.
Patient Participation Week runs between 3 and 9 June 2013 and aims to promote ways people can have their say – encouraging membership of local participation groups. Across the UK, approximately ten million patients are regularly involved in shaping their own health services across nearly a thousand GP practices.
A number of venues in North Dorset are opening their doors and giving people the chance to meet members of their local Patient Participation Group (PPG) to find out how they can get involved and become a member. People attending the events can also find out other opportunities to get involved including the Locality Involvement Networks and the new NHS Dorset CCG Health Involvement Network.
The initiative has been put together by Patient and Public Involvement Development Worker Keith Harrison working closely other members of the North Dorset Locality and Engagement teams and GP practice staff. He said “If you have an opinion on the future of local healthcare we want to hear from you. It may be that you are simply sent information such as newsletters to keep you informed or maybe you are able to attend regular meetings; no matter what level of commitment you are able to make we would like to invite you to one of the events during the week to speak to a member of the team and discover how you can help shape the future of the services you may one day be using”. Events will take place at:
• Sherborne, Monday 3 June, Grove Medical Centre, 10am – 3pm;
• Blandford, Tuesday 4 June, Eagle House Surgery & Whitecliff Surgery, 9am – 12pm;
• Shaftesbury, Thursday 6 June, Town Hall, 9.30am – 5.30pm.
Locality Chair for North Dorset Locality Dr Rob Childs said “At a time when the NHS in England is undergoing significant change, this type of initiative is key to developing future healthcare and increasing awareness of how doctors are working in partnership with the public and health professionals. We are pleased to support Patient Participation Week and are encouraging everyone to come and meet members of their local group at one of our events. These will help to highlight the importance of patient participation in achieving excellence in care for everyone”.
National Patient Participation Week is organised by the National Association for Patient Participation (N.A.P.P) a national charity, formed in 1978. For more information visit
Notes for editors
1. For further information about Patient Groups in North Dorset please contact Keith Harrison, PPI Development Worker – 07825 691508 or .
2. This is the first ever National Patient Participation Week. The week is organised by the National Association for Patient Participation, (N.A.P.P) a national charity, formed in 1978. Uniquely placed as the only umbrella body for patient-led groups in primary care, N.A.P.P has over 30 years’ experience in promoting, supporting and developing Patient Participation Groups (PPGs). There are now over 900 groups affiliated to N.A.P.P, representing at least ten million patients across the UK. More details at
3. Photographs will be available for this event – please contact Keith Harrison as above.
4. Contact numbers for surgeries : Bute House, Sherborne – 01935 810900 (Alex Kimber); New Land, Sherborne – 01935 813438 (Jane Crocker); Eagle House, Blandford – 01258 453171 (Jenny Tory); Whitecliff, Blandford – 01258 452501 (Carol Tilley); Abbey View, Shaftesbury – 01747 856700 (Karen Mills)