Stourpaine Parish Plan Update – Request for Help

View the original form: UPDATE questionnaire – Help Form


Would you be willing to help with any of the following?

  • Advise us by 02 December 2012.
  • If you are unable to use your delivered form, you can download the one above.

In due course, we may wish to request that improvements are made to the roads that run through and in our village to help reduce speeding and improve road safety.

Also, to help control development in Stourpaine, we may need to produce a Village Design Statement and a Neighbourhood Plan. All of these require help from volunteers from within the Parish. Can you let us know if you would like to participate / help with any of the following at some time in the future?

1. I would be interested in participating in a traffic management workshop to find out about the examples given of other similar schemes and to explore what might be appropriate for Stourpaine.
2. I would you be willing to help in the preparation of a Village Design Statement for Stourpaine
3. I would you be willing to help in the preparation of a Neighbourhood Plan for Stourpaine

  • Name: __________________________________________
  • Telephone number: _____________________________
  • Address & postcode: ________________________________________________________________
  • E-mail address: _____________________________

4. Can you tell us if you have any specialist knowledge / expertise in any of the following areas which you would be willing to use in helping?

  • Accountancy / book keeping
  • Architectural knowledge
  • Communications / Publicity
  • Computer skills
  • Good local knowledge
  • Organising events
  • Planning policy
  • Printing & graphics
  • Secretarial

5. What other skills or help you could offer, if any?


Click this link: UPDATE Questionnaire Guide for the original document reproduced below.



1. The Parish Plan Steering Committee, acting on behalf of the Parish Council, is preparing an update to the PARISH PLAN published in 2007. The purpose of the update is to review the work that has been done and to identify other areas where residents would like to see changes being made.

2. A future needs Open Day “STOURPAINE MATTERS!” was successfully held and opinions collected. A further opportunity is now being provided to develop and focus on key issues using these “STOURPAINE MATTERS!” forms.

3. Your input has NO commercial purpose. However, it is important to obtain the views of as many people in the parish as possible. Not all residents could attend the open day, but all will receive a “STOURPAINE MATTERS!” form. We hope that all will take the opportunity to make their views known by completing and returning “STOURPAINE MATTERS!” forms to us.

4. Your input is anonymous but we would like to collect your postcode to help us with the analysis and interpretation of the answers you give us. The number at the top of the form is for checking the issue and return of the forms. No information will be retained by the Update Committee, the Parish Council or supplied to any other organisation which will be used to link your answers to you as a result of completing these forms.

5. There are two forms:

  • ADULTS, for completion by each adult (18 years and over) in the household.
  • YOUNG PERSONS, for completion by each person aged 8 to 17 years.

6. To complete any form, please tick the appropriate boxes and write in any comments you may have in the spaces provided.

7. If, for any reason, you would like help in completing the forms please contact:

Derek Gardiner
1 Hod Drive
Stourpaine DT11 8TJ
01258 488 455

8. We would like your completed forms to be returned by the 2nd December 2012. Can you please return them in the envelope provided either to the distributor whose name is on the introductory sheet that should have been left with you or leave them in the collection box in the Village Shop? Alternatively, your distributor will return after a few days to collect them as from the 25th November.

Please complete the forms with care and consideration for the future of the Parish. The success of this initiative depends on YOU, the residents of the Parish, giving YOUR input.

Categorised as In the Past

Gardening Club – Jobs for December

Now is the time for a general tidy-up.

  1. With the fresh memory of planting, move plants to a new home, at the same time splitting perennials to make more plants. Whilst doing this give the borders a good dig over, feeding the soil and planting bulbs at the same time.
  2. Containers will need freshening up for the winter, so these can be planted up with bulbs and other fresh material. Exotic plants need to be protected from frost, so either move inside or wrap next month. Don’t wait until it’s too late.
  3. Pick fruit and compost fallen fruit that is too bad to use. This in turn will remove wasps to one spot therefore making the garden safer for children and grandchildren. This is now the time to prune raspberries and blackberries.
  4. Greenhouses, especially if you have had blight, can now be cleared out and cleaned, to allow the sowing of winter salad crops etc. You could also pin up bubble polythene insulation for warmth.
  5. This is also a good time to clean your pond. Use a rod or pole to remove blanket weed by twisting it round the pole. Be careful to return any wildlife which gets caught up in it.
  6. If your lawn is the worse for wear, aerate, scarify and dress ,sowing a thin layer of seed at the same time.

Gardening Club – Assistance

Some committee members are currently working odd days at the Village Hall.

We are trying to make it a more pleasant venue for our guests and visitors.

Should you like to help either in the grounds or cleaning inside the Hall for the odd afternoon, please contact  Jan & Pete Palmer T: 01258 453 470 or Pete Jones T: 01258 458 557 to arrange a suitable time.

You can also offer here by leaving a Comment.

Gardening Club – Suggestions Welcome

Gardening Club

We are currently planning next years’ programme

Jan would like to hear from you if you have any ideas for talks or visits in 2013.

Please either phone T: 01258 453 470 or give one of the Committee details on a slip of paper when you next see them.

You can also leave a Comment to this Post.

Guys and Dolls

Guys and Dolls poster

Guys and Dolls – Coade Hall Theatre, Bryanston School

Thursday 22, Friday 23 and Saturday 24 November, 7.30 p.m.

A musical fable of Broadway based on a story and characters of Damon Runyon. Music and lyrics by Frank Loesser. Book by Jo Swerling and Abe Burrows. This amateur production is presented by arrangement with Josef Weinberger Ltd. on behalf of Music Theatre International of New York.

Nathan Detroit, inveterate gambler, runs a ‘floating craps game’ in New York, but is running out of secret hideaways to base his illegal activities. He manages to hang on to his glamorous but frustrated show girl fiancée, Adelaide, deftly avoiding matrimony. Amongst the morally bankrupt gamblers visiting town and also keen for some action is Sky Masterson, an enigmatic legend for the ‘guys’ and a womaniser of the ‘dolls’. Somehow the paths of these two ne’er do wells become entangled with the local branch of the Salvation Army and passionate moralist Sarah Brown…

With an exciting mixture of shady gambling, evangelical soul-searching, glamorous showgirls and a quick trip to Cuba thrown in, this musical offers a variety of famous songs (Luck be a LadyTake Back Your Mink,Sit DownYou’re Rocking the BoatGuys and DollsIf I Were a Bell) and settings to keep an audience happy, laughing and singing along inside.

Tickets £10 (£8 concessions). Please contact the Coade Hall box office for tickets or T: 01258 484 623.