Dorset Police – Suspicious Activity

Good afternoon,

We have had a report this morning from a rural property in the Shaftesbury Rural area of suspicious vehicle at the entrance to their property on Monday evening.

The owner has reported this today as they have found a plait in the mane of one of the horses.

As North Dorset horsewatch, we have no evidence that suggests plaiting is used to mark horses for theft as we receive regular reports of plaiting but so far this year, there has only been one reported theft of horse in the whole of Dorset and that had no links to plaiting.

However, we would like to take this opportunity to remind all horse owners and rural residents to remain alert and to log details of any suspicious vehicles or people they see in the area.
These details can be called in on 101 or if a crime is in progress then 999.
You can also e mail details to your local officers through the Dorset Police website at

Don’t forget, you can meet the Horsewatch team tomorrow at Eccliffe Equestrian in Gillingham for mince pies and tack marking.

Thank you,
Kate 6268 and Vicki 5370